18th edition exam

18th Edition Exam Questions

The 18th Edition exam is an open book exam, which means that in order to be successful at it you will need to be good at using it. It will be to your benefit to tab your regulations book into its various parts including the useful appendices and index. This will save a lot of time when it comes to navigating your way through the different sections. Also make notes on any equations, tables and regulations along with their page number that come up in these questions in the back of your regs book (i.e. Maximum disconnection times Table 41.1 page 46). This too will save a lot of time when sitting your exam.

The questions found on this page are divided in to question groups, each focusing on a certain part of BS7671. So, before we start lets remind ourselves about these parts:

Scope, Object and Fundamental Principles

Definitions - Terms used throughout the regulations

Assessments of General Characteristics - Identification of the characteristics of the installation that will need to be taken into account when choosing and applying the requirements of the subsequent parts. These characteristics may vary from one part of the installation to another and should be assessed for each location served by the installation.

Protection for Safety - Description of the measures that are available for the protection of persons, property and livestock, and against the hazards that may arise from the use of electricity.

Selection and erection of Equipment - Precautions to be taken in the selection and erection of the equipment of the installation.

Inspection and testing

Special Installations or Locations

18th Edition Questions with Answers

Feel free to download and print these questions. Answer are always on the last page.

  1. Exam questions Part 1 - Scope, Object and Fundamental Principles
  2. Exam questions Part 2 - Definitions
  3. Exam questions Part 3 - Assessments of General Characteristics
  4. Exam questions Part 4 - Protection for Safety
  5. Exam questions Part 5 - Selection and erection of Equipment
  6. Exam questions Part 6 - Inspection and Testing
  7. Exam questions Part 7 - Special Installations or Locations